A Prayer for Notre Dame in Paris – Une Prière pour Notre Dame en Paris

A Prayer for Notre Dame in Paris – Une Prière pour Notre Dame en Paris

I have never been to Notre Dame in Paris. Still, my heart breaks for all of us.

(Download this prayer in English and French here.)


Une Prière pour Notre Dame en Paris A Prayer for Notre Dame in Paris
Seigneur, dans des situations comme celle-ci,
nous implorons ta miséricorde.
Alors que la plus magnifique de nos églises
s’écroule autour de nous,
dans cette semaines la plus sainte,
nous savons à quel point nous sommes petits
sur cette planète fragile que nous disons chez nous.

Aujourd’hui, tant de gens sont dévastées.
Ils parcourent les rues sous le choc de ce qu’ils voient,
et ils veillent au milieu des ruines.

Pourtant tu as promis de ne jamais nous oublier.
Ne nous oublie pas maintenant.

Réconforte l’Église de Paris, Seigneur,
face à ce désastre.
Perce de compassion nos cœurs aussi,
nous qui observons au loin.
Reste avec nous dans notre douleur,
et aide-nous à avoir confiance
en la résurrection de ton Fils.

Et quand le les images de destruction
auront cessé de meubler les nouvelles,
n’oublions pas qu’en Christ
nous sommes tous les enfants de Notre Dame.

Car même si les montagnes quittent leur place
et que les collines soient trainées au sol,
ton amour ne nous quittera jamais,
et ta promesse de la paix ne sera jamais ébranlée.

Notre aide est dans le nom du Seigneur,
qui a fait le ciel et la terre.
Béni soit le nom du Seigneur,
maintenant et à jamais. Amen.

Adapté de “Une Prière après le Séisme en Haïti.” Droits d’auteur © 2010, 2015, 2019, Diana Macalintal, Diana@liturgy.life. Il est permis de reproduire pour un usage non-commercial.

Lord, at times such as this,
we plead for your mercy.
As the grandest of our churches
crumbles about us,
in this our holiest of weeks,
we know too well how small we truly are
on this fragile planet we call home.

Today, so many people are devastated.
They roam the streets in shock at what they see,
and they keep vigil amid the ruins.

Yet you have promised never to forget us.
Do not forget us now.

Comfort the Church of Paris, Lord,
in this disaster.
Pierce, too, our hearts with compassion,
we who watch from afar.
Stay with us in our sorrow,
and help us to trust
in your Son’s resurrection.

And once the images of destruction
have stopped filling the news,
let us not forget that in Christ
we are all the children of Our Lady.

For though the mountains leave their place
and the hills be tossed to the ground,
your love shall never leave us,
and your promise of peace will never be shaken.

Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
now and forever. Amen.

Adapted from “A Prayer after the Earthquake in Haiti.” Copyright © 2010, 2015, 2019, Diana Macalintal, Diana@liturgy.life. Permission is given to reprint for non-commercial use.

Photo: Bethany Beck, unsplash, CC0.

26 Responses

  1. Yvonne
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing your prayer … we are all fragile and yet by faith and trusting in God we are made strong in spite of our sadness

  2. diane
    | Reply

    through tears — that is a beautiful prayer. Can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned.

  3. Tram Ngo
    | Reply


  4. Anthony A Suarez
    | Reply

    Thank you so much! “In three days he will rebuild his Temple” let us prepare for The Resurrection!

  5. Clarice
    | Reply

    God be praised that Notre Dame still stands and that all who rebuild it will grow together as Church and the
    People of our Triune God

  6. Richard House
    | Reply

    Chicago land

    We mourn also in this sad loss. Even though you are oceans away we are right beside you in prayer and are just as deeply saddened by your loss but also just as hopefully that god will pour his grace and mercy upon you during these tough times.

    We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers

  7. Farzaneh M. Najmabadi
    | Reply


  8. Carole
    | Reply

    Thank you so much. How thoughtful. I felt heartbroken and prayer-less watching the fire. Will use this prayer as a meal blessing tonight when I have a friend over for supper.

  9. Nancy de Flon
    | Reply

    Thank you, Diana, for composing the prayer, and thanks to friends at LitPress for sharing it!

  10. Joeetta Rounds
    | Reply

    Thank you in this time when so many people are speechless and confused. Amen.

  11. Nancy Fairfield
    | Reply

    To God be the power and the glory..Amen and Amen.

  12. Dolores Olean
    | Reply

    Let us pray in particular for the Church (with a big “C”) , the people of France! We pray that those who do not practice their faith or who are lukewarm, will return stronger and more committed than ever during this holy Easter season!

  13. Sr. Elizabeth Oettel, OSB
    | Reply

    Thank you, Diana, for sharing this beautiful prayer. I’ve been to Notre Dame Cathedral and it breaks my heart to think of that beautiful church filled with beautiful art being destroyed or even partially destroyed. A friend shared with me a picture that was posted showing the inside of the church, all dark with smoke so that you can’t make out details. But high in the front is a cross shining brightly. Christ reminding the people of Notre Dame and all of us that he is still with us.

  14. Sr. Elizabeth Oettel, OSB
    | Reply

    Thank you, Diana, for sharing this beautiful prayer. I’ve been to Notre Dame in Paris and it breaks my heart to think of this beautiful church filled with magnificent art being destroyed, or even partially destroyed. A friend shared with me a picture that was posted showing the interior of the church, almost totally dark from smoke. But high in the front is a cross shining brightly. Christ reminding the people of Notre Dame and all of us that he is till with us!

  15. MaryJo
    | Reply

    Dear Diana,
    Your prayer is beautiful, heartfelt and comforting in this terrible tragedy. My husband and I have been to Notre Dame many times, and the destruction of Our Lady’s Church saddens us beyond measure. Thank you for sharing your prayer with us. We grieve with you, let know that God is with us.

  16. Mary Jo
    | Reply

    Dear Diana,
    Thank you for writing this beautiful prayer. We grieve with you, and you have given us the words to express our sadness at this horrible fire; the destruction of our beloved Notre Dame. We have visited the Church, gone to Mass there many, many times. Our prayers are with the people of France, for everyone including us who mourn this tragic loss.

  17. Christina
    | Reply

    The news made my heart sink. The images made me cry. I have been there only once; 18years ago, and will pray for the day when I return to see it being refurbished. I too pray that those who have turned away or are lukewarm to our beautiful Catholic faith will return and help rebuild her from the inside out. WE need Notre Dame just as much as SHE needs us right now. Pray people, pray!

  18. Dolores DiMeo Carroll
    | Reply

    Our prayers are with you all during this difficult time, we hurt for you and with you…
    This is our Holy Week and the Good Lord will carry you through this difficult time… You will emerge better than ever!!!!
    May GOD Bless you all always!

  19. Viola Fongemie Brown
    | Reply

    Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, You are with us during these trying times. Pray for us.

  20. Sister Paule
    | Reply

    Thank you for this beautiful prayer. It is a help as we see the pain inflicted on this magnificent beauty. I have seen and prayed in this beautiful Cathedral many times. The last time I saw it, perhaps for the last time in person, the entire Cathedral was bathed in sunlight! My heart weeps for the people of Paris, and all of France, for whom Notre Dame de Paris is a testimony to faith and to all that is good and deep. And I thank God for the generosity of those who will help to restore her to her grandeur.

  21. Melinda Tjia.
    | Reply

    May The Holy Family take care you all.

  22. Susan T. Brotherman
    | Reply

    Amen! to all above responses. We were at the Cathedral in January 2016 during a pilgrimage with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate from San Antonio, TX and were privileged to have a small group Mass in one of the side chapels. We are speechless, and join the people of Paris, who have experienced so much sadness in recent years, in hope and prayer. We are also overwhelmed at the responses from all around the world. May this be a invitation to all who have doubted, all who feel abandoned by our God, to have faith as shown by the leaders in France and those who join in prayer this Holy Week. Yes, Sister Elizabeth, the cross will stand and be our anchor! Mary, Mother of God, hold your children in faith and strength. Jesus Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen, indeed.

  23. Agnes K.Lugira
    | Reply

    My heart goes with all that mourn for the loss of Notre Dame in France. However we must live by faith rather by sight. I have lots of faith and hope that the Good Lord’s will must “be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Eventually something good will come out of this loss. Amen

  24. Elizabeth Torres
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful prayer. I have visited Norte Dame several times and am saddened as I watch the fire. We are thankful some of the valuable items were saved.

  25. Angela White
    | Reply

    Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear ……let us ask for insight and deep understanding of the meaning of this fire at this time of lent and our church!
    Fire is the only element that transforms completely and a sign of the holy spiritual at work.
    Perhaps the time has come to honor Our Lady with more than buildings ?
    5years from now at the dedication of a new cathedral may we also welcome and ordain daughters of Mary.
    Angela White

  26. Arlene Winsch
    | Reply

    I N G O D W E T R U S T.

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