The road to conversion

The road to conversion

Fourth Sunday of Lent – C

“Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Cor 5:17). This Sunday marks a little over two years since the world was changed by a global pandemic. Each of us, no doubt, has been transformed by this trauma, and the old world has passed away. The question is what has taken its place.

After two Lenten seasons of penance and conversion, and a third halfway complete, have we, as Christians, become any different from those who do not confess faith in Christ? Have we, as ambassadors for Christ, become more compassionate ministers of healing in the world, communicating with every breath the message of reconciliation with which we have been entrusted?

For Christians, we do not change just for the sake of doing something different. We change so that Christ can open another path in our hearts softened by the Spirit. Share on X

Sometimes change is forced upon us by our circumstances; other times we are ravenous for the possibility of another chance. The road to true conversion has a bit of both. For Christians, we do not change just for the sake of doing something different. We change so that Christ can open another path in our hearts softened by the Spirit.

Whether change is imposed or invited, Christ is ready to create something new. Let us not fear to let go of past ways and habits that keep us wallowing in resentment or despair. Let us be embraced by God’s merciful invitation to begin again.

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This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
Image credit: Photo by Seaq68 from Pixabay.

Read more reflections on the Sunday readings here:

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