Glory in the goodness of God

Glory in the goodness of God

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary—A

“From this day all generations will call me blessed” (Lk 1:48). I’ve always had a hard time praying that line in the Magnificat. Isn’t Mary, meek and humble, being a bit boastful here? So I’m glad when her canticle quickly returns to praising God: “The Almighty has done great things for me and holy is his Name.”

Let us exult and glory in the goodness of God who gives us the faith and the freedom to say yes. Holy IS God’s name who sees each of us as blessed. Share on X

But hold on. Is there something to Mary’s momentary pride? She was chosen by God for a singular task given to no one before and no one after. She recognized her exceptional role, courageously accepted it, and changed history.

Should we not also acknowledge in ourselves and in one another the singular call God gives to each one of us—the one thing no one else can ever do? Let us exult in that and glory in the goodness of God who gives us the faith and the freedom to say yes. Holy is God’s name who sees each of us as blessed.


This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”



Image credit: Photo by Lewis Westwood Flood on Unsplash.


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